My name is Kei. born in Japan with experience in both Japan and New York.
The merits and demerits of getting your hair cut at home
- You don’t have to go anywhere
- You don’t have to go out when it’s raining outside
- You can save time it takes for you to get to the salon
- All you need is a mirror and a chair
- You can use your own shampoo and rinse after the cut
- You can enjoy your cut with family member
- Other people will not hear your conversation
- You can enjoy a cut in a more relaxed state of mind at your own home
- It’s cheaper than a salon
Of course, there are demerits as well.
- No perms of coloring available
- No shampoo/styling services available (Sorry if you wanted shampoo)
That’s about it. I plan on renting a store on specific days of the week to provide perms and coloring services, but for the time being, I wish to continue providing haircuts to those who request my services at their own homes.

Not owning a store and cutting in your room, these things lead to cost reduction, and so I set a low price to pass on the savings to you.
Also, as a hairstylist, I really want to finish my cut with a shampoo, but since I am not allowed, I decided to lower the price even further.
Hair style list
Ladies’ hair style: Short〜Bob
Ladies’ hair style: Medium〜Long
Men’s hair style
Kid’s hair style
知り合いの紹介でKeiさんを知りました。 もともと美容室が苦手なのでこのようなサービスがとても嬉しいです。 とても気さくで優しい真面目な方で安心して任せられるので家族全員でお世話になってます。 いつもありがとうございます。
アムステルダムに駐在が決まりヘアサロンをどうしようかと検索していたところKeiさんを見つけました。 日本ではあまり馴染みのない出張ヘアカットでとまどいもありましたが、こんなに素晴らしいサービスがあるのだと感激いたしました。 雨の日も時間に遅れることなくやってきて、パーフェクトな仕事をしてくれるKeiさんはプロッフェッショナルだと思います。 もちろん腕も一級品でいつも大満足でした。
Kei was wonderful! He spent a lot of time discussing with me exactly what I’m looking for. Great skill and service – loved my haircut! I will definitely come back again.
This is the BEST haircut I have ever had. I had long hair all my life, and I asked Kei for a change. He shorten my hair a lot and it looks amazing! I have sent everyone in my family and they were as happy as me. he takes his time and work until the cut is perfect. He has a great taste. I am so happy that I found Kei. I would never go someplace else!
The other day, I ran into a friend of mine got his hair cut so nicely and asked him “Where did you get it?” and he said, “personal hair stylist Kei” When I looked up the price on the website, I thought it was a little bit expensive. But it turned out that it was totally WORTH it. My hairdresser Kei took a long time and he reflected every request I made! You would be definitely satisfied not only with the result but the experience there.
I heard Kei was very good so I left my new hair style with him. He did one for me I will not easily try otherwise. It turns out very good. A lot people have loved my new haircut. And I said a lot thank you. It’s a little expensive, so I think each time I decide to get a big change I’ll go back to Kei.
子供がいるのでなかなかヘアサロンに行く余裕がなかった時に友達にKeiさんを紹介してもらいました。 とても仕事が細かく丁寧でできないことはハッキリとできないと言ってくれます。 良く話を聞いてくれ、悩みも一緒に考えてくれます。 ヘアカット後はいつも写真を送ってくれてそれを元に次回の参考にしたりと素晴らしいサービスだと思いました。 アムステルダムの情報にとても詳しくいつもいろいろ教えていただいてます。
- 1 person … €60 (€50 next haircut within 3months)
- 2 people …….. €90(€80 next haircuts within 3 months)
- 3 people ……..€120(€105 next haircuts within 3months)
Please make use of the “Group discounts”.
How to make a reservation
Since I move around town by myself, many times I cannot pick up the phone. Therefore, please make a reservation through WhatsAPP, Line, or e-mail. Please send me your name, address, requested date and time.
Contact information
WhatsAPP: 0614388330
Line: keiamsterdam